Tuesday, September 30, 2014


   Once you have something that you've always wanted, why is it that you never use it? When I was younger, I always wanted one of those bouncer balls that has a handle that you can use to hop around on, but when I got it I literally only use it for two days. Why is that? Is it that our vision of the actual object is obscured by our desire for it or is it just an occurrence of nature? And, with this in mind, how can we tell the difference between legitimately wanting something and wanting the desire for that something satisfied? Because that's what it is, usually, it's not us genuinely wanting something but rather us wanting the desire for that object fulfilled… I wonder would it work to fill that desire with something other than the specific item we want; for example, in my case of wanting the bouncer ball, would my desire for that ball have gone away if I had gotten some other prestigious (at least to te child mind) plaything to fill the hole? It's just something to mull over… kind of a new twist on the "the grass is greener on the other side" bit.

       -Meredith Cloverfield

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